Temperature conversion calculator



Online Temperature Conversion calculator

A temperature Converter Converts the unit of measurement of the recorded temperature of one unit to another unit.
This Converter is used for converting the Measurement units of temperature recorded in a particular unit. Temperature expresses the heat or cold in a solid, liquid, or gas Temperature is measured using a thermometer.

Temperature Conversion Formulas:-

Temperature Scale :- Convert to by
Fahrenheit :- °F = 1.8°C + 32°
Celsius :- °C =5/9(°F-32°)
Rankine :- °R = 1.8K + 0.6° °R = °F + 460°
Kelvin :- K =5/9(°R-0.6°) K = °C + 273°

Area Conversion Units Definitions

What is Fahrenheit?

A Thermometer that measures temperature.left thermometer indicates cold weather. it is very cold at 32° and very hot at 212° under standard conditions.!

What is Celsius?

- A degree Celsius is a temperature unit on the Celsius scale, originally known as the centigrade scale. On the Celsius scale, the degree Celsius indicates a particular temperature or the difference or range between two temperatures. In a degree Celsius Water freezes at 0° and boils at 100° under standard conditions.
What is the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius?
The Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales are used to measure temperature. Using the centigrade scale, the temperature will be expressed in degrees Celsius. Fahrenheit to Celsius.
1 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit F = (0°C × 9/5) + 32 = 32°F
1 Fahrenheit to Celsius 0°C = (32°F ? 32) × 5/9
Freezing point:- 0°C = 32°F
Body Temperature :- 37°C = 98.6°F
Boiling point :- 100°C = 212°F
What is the difference between Celsius and Kelvin?
In the Kelvin scale, an increase of one unit is equal to an increase of one degree in the Celsius scale. There is only one difference between these two scales: the zero points on the thermometer.
Relationship between Celsius and Kelvin. 273 Kelvin to Celsius D = K-273 ? 273 – 273 00C
100 Celsius to Kelvin K = D+273 ? 100 + 273 373K

What is Kelvin?

- This is a unit used to measure temperature. Kelvin is a unit of temperature mostly used in science. It was invented by Lord Kelvin who saw the need for a scale where absolute zero was the null point, meaning that 0 K is the lowest temperature possible = -273.15 °C and boils close to 373.15 K at standard atmospheric pressure.

Square foot converter definition:-

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Square meter converter definition:-

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Bigha converter definition:-

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Biswa converter definition:-

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