Privacy Policy


The website offers calculators for calculating area, time, weight, volume conversion, roman, and many other things. This page aims to enlighten users to our website about our policies regarding the gathering and handling of their personally identifiable information.

Information Collection

We take visitor privacy very seriously, and we only gather data through cookies and browser logs in order to improve our services to you, our valued customers.

Log Data

Every time you visit our website, your browser sends us information called "Log Data." It might contain data such as the IP address of your computer system, the pages you visit on our website, how long you spend on them, when you visit them, and so on.


Cookies are tiny files used as unique identifiers that hold a little bit of data. These are kept on the hard drive of your computer and contain information on what you do when you visit the website.
These cookies are used by to gather data and improve the services. You'll be given the choice to accept or reject these cookies. You won't be able to access certain areas of the website if you reject our cookies.

Web Forms

On our website, there are many forms that you can fill out so that you may use calculators to perform the calculations.


We receive your sensitive personal information from you, and we use cutting-edge technology to protect it. However, there is no guarantee of complete security and no electronic storage solution is 100% safe.

Links to Other Sites

There may be links on our website that take users to other websites. Should you choose to click on one of these third-party links, you will be sent to that website. Since we have no control over these websites, we advise you to check their privacy statement and content before providing any personal information